With Battlefield 4 set to hit store shelves next week, info about DICE’s upcoming shooter has reached an all-time high. Having said…

With Battlefield 4 set to hit store shelves next week, info about DICE’s upcoming shooter has reached an all-time high. Having said that, even if you’re a die-hard FPS fan, chances are
Listed below are some of the pertinent BF4 news, info and videos that should tide you over until October 29.
For convenience’s sake, we’ve divvied up the list so you can easily check what you’ve missed. But before you do that, make sure to read up on our exclusive short chat with DICE GM Karl Magnus Troedsson on day one patches, BF4 getting free maps & modes and more.
BF4 unlocks, progression, weapons, vehicles, maps and more:
Battlepacks, ranks, progression revealed by DICE
Complete rank emblems revealed from Private to Colonel
All weapons, attachments, ribbons and medals shown off
Every vehicle listed — yes, includes the EOD bot
All map names and first images
BF4 on console and next-gen:
PS4 and Xbox One direct-feed footage coming on October 29, one version looks better than the other
BF4 has 12GB of optional install on the Xbox 360
Complete BF4 Achievements/Trophies list
BF4 latest videos, TV spots:
Single-player footage showing dog-punching action!
“Anthem” TV spot showcasing multiplayer mayhem
“Accolades” TV spot where publications supplied blurbs how ‘good” BF4 is
Gameplay info and other important bits:
People will have to “wait & see” if BF4 will have free maps and modes, claims DICE
BF4 launch will be the “smoothest” one yet says Patrick Bach
DICE producer Patrick Bach admits they weren’t “quite happy” with BF3′s destruction
BF4 Beta feedback and changelog
Female characters will appear in Battlefield but not just to tick off a box
If you’re still playing BF3, don’t forget that DICE is giving everyone double XP until BF4 is released. Once BF4 for PC and current-gen consoles are released, don’t forget that there’s a big EU vs. U.S. BF4 match that will be live-streamed on November 1, and here’s the lineup of players.
Did we miss something or just excited for BF4? Let us know in the comments!