With Battlefield 4′s release just a few weeks away, we now have the entire Achievements/Trophies you can earn in DICE’s upcoming shooter….

With Battlefield 4′s release just a few weeks away, we now have the entire Achievements/Trophies you can earn in DICE’s upcoming shooter.
Outed by Exophase, BF4‘s Achievements/Trophies are mostly connected to the single-player campaign, so if you don’t want anything spoiled, best not to read everything. From my count, there are only five multiplayer-based Achievements/Trophies, which might be a good or bad thing depending on our perspective.
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%Storm bringerObtain 20 000 points in the Singapore mission in the Campaign
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%A one-man riotObtain 11 000 points in the Shanghai mission in the Campaign
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%Terror of the deepObtain 11 000 points in the South China Sea mission in the Campaign
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%GladiatorObtain 12 000 points in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%Above and beyond the callComplete all Assignments in the Campaign
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%Demolition manObtain 15 000 points in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%Guardian of the fleetObtain 6 000 points in the Suez mission in the Campaign
- 65ULTRA RARE0.00%Full arsenalUnlock all assignments and collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%FishComplete the Campaign on Easy
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%Dunn’s prideObtain 7 000 points in the Baku mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Braving the stormComplete the Singapore mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Wolves in sheep’s clothingComplete the Shanghai mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%The fall of a TitanComplete the South China Sea mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Dead by dawnComplete the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Guns at dawnComplete the Suez mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Fishing in BakuComplete the Baku mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%AntediluvianComplete the Tashgar mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%It was on the way…Find 6 collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Took a casual look aroundFind 9 collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Methodical searchFind 15 collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Done some searchingFind 12 collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%No stone left unturnedFind 18 collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Every nook and crannyFind 21 collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Stumbled over itFind 3 collectibles in the Campaign
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%WolfComplete the Campaign on Normal
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%TombstoneComplete the Campaign on Hard
- 65ULTRA RARE0.00%ReconFind 28 collectibles in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Well placedGet 10 kills with C4 in the Baku mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%WreckerGet 10 multi-kills in the Shanghai mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Blood wakeGet 30 headshots in the South China Sea mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%War turtleGet 15 kills with RPG in the Singapore mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%InfiltratorGet 10 adrenaline kills in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%ShawshankGet 5 kills with Shank in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%For tombstoneLet the Valkyrie be destroyed in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%For the peopleSacrifice Irish to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%For the causeSacrifice Hannah to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign
- 20ULTRA RARE0.00%Patience is a virtueExperience all 3 endings in the Campaign
- 10ULTRA RARE0.00%Turn around…Perform 5 dog tag kills in Multiplayer
- 10ULTRA RARE0.00%Won them allWin a round of each game mode
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%.45 old schoolPerform 45 kills with the M1911 Handgun in Multiplayer
- 25ULTRA RARE0.00%Bomb squadDeliver 5 bombs in Obliteration
- 50
- 0.00%
- Call me “Sir”
- Reach rank 25.
So for those thinking of getting every Achievement or “Platinum-ing” BF4, you’d better get ready to play that campaign, like it or not.
BF4 is set for release later this month for PC and current-gen consoles, while the Xbox One and PS4 version are set for release in November.