Lords of Shadow 2 chat with Dave Cox: Next-gen, frame-rates not”an issue” in LoS2, ending Gabriel’s story & more
When Konami announced that they tasked Mercury Steam in rebooting the Castlevania franchise and once again bringing it into the…
When Konami announced that they tasked Mercury Steam in rebooting the Castlevania franchise and once again bringing it into the…
The next game in the Mass Effect franchise is well into development, and developer Bioware has taken to Twitter to…
Where Did You Go? is an ongoing series that deals with mishappenings in the video game industry. This can range…
After the shit storm that is Sim City, EA have updated their rules on refunds through Origin. You can still…
When I first got my hands on the beta version of Papers, Please for Windows, I didn’t realize that an…
While Far Cry 4‘s existence is almost a certainty given Far Cry 3‘s success, it looks like we can now…
UPDATE: EA has responded to our query and replied with, “We don’t comment on rumor or speculation.” So, take from…
Just a few moments ago, we posted our first-ever look at Killzone: Shadow Fall’s multiplayer which debuted at Sony’s gamescom…
The Steam OS and Steam Machine prototypes will soon be sent out to people all over the globe and Engadget…
Hank and Jed’s popular “Battlefield Friends” have made it into Battlefield 4! Many were curious about why their names had…