It looks like we’ve finally got word on what each of the field upgrades will be in the upcoming Battlefield 4,…

It looks like we’ve finally got word on what each of the field upgrades will be in the upcoming Battlefield 4, with details emerging about the Shadow upgrade path. This was of course voted in by the community in the recent poll that was in a previous article in the Road to Battlefield series that DICE are currently running.
The offensive and defensive field upgrades we knew about but now the actual details on them has been revealed, and these will of course be available for each class. The offensive perk seems to be the most favoured specializations that we had in Battlefield 3, although I probably would’ve swapped out reduced fall damage for the explosives perk.
The defensive perk is an interesting one though, doing a lot more work to keep you alive by reducing damage from explosions and bullets, and giving you a faster health regen, something that could be pretty useful for those of you that like to run around like a maniac in the heat of the battle.
The details on which field upgrade does what can be found below, for each of the classes that will be in the game, quite a few interesting ones in there that’ll change you play quite a bit.
The Shadow field upgrade was actually voted in by the community and it looks like it could be a useful one to have as well, reducing the spotting time is a particularly interesting one. The sprint we had in Battlefield 3 and the reduced fall damage you can gain from the offensive perk. The one that interests me though is the stealth part of it, allowing you to move undetected by motion sensors will be very helpful in keeping you alive just that bit longer if there are motion sensors around.
Let us know which field upgrade you have your own on at the minute, and whether or not you will be taking a completely different route to what you and your squad would’ve done if you were using the perks from Battlefield 3.
Source: Reddit