A demonstration of the Xbox One given by Microsoft’s Albert Penella to Destructoid has revealed some more information about the features of…

A demonstration of the Xbox One given by Microsoft’s Albert Penella to Destructoid has revealed some more information about the features of the Xbox One DVR, and the plans that are place for the future.
The Destructoid article states that DVR gave instant capture of the last 30 seconds of buffered frames from a simlpe voice command. The Xbox One upload studio then had a 720P 30fps clip waiting “immediately” after.
Users are then free to quickly, edit, share or save the clip with further commands. All you need to do then is say another voice command and you can be right back in the game from where you left off. Penella has said that the clips will only be available to share via Xbox Live on launch, but they have plans for social sites such as YouTube and Facebook set-up for video clip sharing by next year.
I would have thought that getting the social media sites in as sharing options would be top priority for Microsoft, as to me, sharing only via Xbox Live just seems like a rather silly thing to do. Clearly Microsoft think otherwise though and hopefully they can get YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. sharing in as quickly as possible.
Thanks, NeoGAF!