A Portuguese copy of the Xbox One manual has been leaked online, along with details of what features Xbox Live…

A Portuguese copy of the Xbox One manual has been leaked online, along with details of what features Xbox Live Gold members will have access to.
The rest of the manual’s contents are fairly standard, with the box’s contents listed, as well as brief precautions for when using Kinect. You can find images of the full manual at the bottom of this article.
Where things get interesting, is below the heading “Acquire Xbox Live Gold”. Translated by FranXicoon NeoGAF, the following is listed:
- Unique experience in multiplayer games.
- Enjoy HD movies, TV shows, music and sports.
- Use Skype, Internet Explorer and other entertainment applications.
- In addition, any person in your home can benefit from Xbox Live Gold in your Xbox One*.
*The Xbox Live Gold subscription, games and media content are sold separately. Separate subscriptions/fees may be needed for some resources, such as Xbox Music. Available services and applications may vary depending on your country/region and throughout time. Some Gold resources may not be shared; access restricted to one single designated Xbox One console in the house of the Gold subscriber; other restrictions applicable.
It seems that, as we saw with the Xbox 360, many of the console’s entertainment features will be hidden behind a paywall. Just how much content non-paying Xbox Live Silver members will have access to, is not yet known.
For those hoping to use fairly basic services, such as Internet Explorer and Skype, you’ll have to be prepared to drop even more dollars after receiving your brand new Xbox One.
Click here for the full resolution image!
Thanks, NeoGAF!