When I first heard about the Injustice: Gods Among Us collector’s edition, I was interested in seeing what it contained…

When I first heard about the Injustice: Gods Among Us collector’s edition, I was interested in seeing what it contained – even though there wasn’t a PC edition being released. I tend to collect the statues and figures more than anything else, and being a fan of comic books and DC characters, the collector edition seemed like a ‘must have’ item. However, upon a closer look at the different editions available, it took me a while to understand what the difference between them was and only took a few minutes to ask a larger question: Why the difference?
The UK and North American collector edition statues are actually very different. While both feature Batman and Wonder Woman locked in an epic battle, the UK edition sees Batman holding Wonder Woman by the throat, where the NA edition has Batman in the submissive position, getting choked by the golden lasso.
Not one to get into conspiracies, but there has to be something going on here right? Why would the two statues be so radically different?
UK Version:
UK Edition
North American Version:
Closeup of two editions from eBay seller (who incidentally describes it as “better than US version”):
So, what’s going on here?
I checked into a few forums and boards to see what the community had to say, and the general consensus seemed to indicate fans liked the UK edition a lot more. One commenter on Kotaku seemed to think the difference had to do with North American delicate sensibilities.
Screen Shot 2013-04-14 at 12.42.57 AMTo be fair, there hasn’t been any official comment from anyone on the two different statues – it’s purely speculation at this point, and there are plenty of discussions on who would win if they actually did square off.
It is quite possible the North American statue was changed to prevent a backlash against the portrayal of a woman being choked. Then again, what makes anyone think that the UK is more tolerant of these images?
Our own Injustice representative, Alex Martinet weighed in on the statues citing the Dead Island incident saying,
Around the same time we found out about the collector editions for Injustice, Deep Silver Interactive released the infamous dismembered statue for Dead Island: Riptide only available in the UK. Soon after, the developer apologized for matter, but it already achieved its goal.
These types of ploys are market tactics to get people talking about the game, and are nothing new. It’s one of the main reasons why you see three different editions whenever a new iteration of Call of Duty, or Halo releases – because it gets people talking.
What do you think Pixel Nation? Do you think the statues are different for any of the reasons we’ve listed? Something else we’re missing?
Leave your comments below telling us which statue you prefer, and what your take on the different versions is.
Note: We’ve reached out to NetherRealm Studios for a comment and will update accordingly.