SimplyGames have sent out emails to people who pre-ordered the PlayStation 4 from them, forcing them to upgrade to “Sony”…

SimplyGames have sent out emails to people who pre-ordered the PlayStation 4 from them, forcing them to upgrade to “Sony” bundles, which are much more expensive than some of the previous pre-order bundles. The bundles for the most part, are just shy of £500.
Misterck was first to take to the PlayStation forums to try and gain awareness, we’ve contacted Simply Games for a statement. Hopefully this is just a misunderstanding. In the past, SimplyGames sent customers Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 early.
The email is as follows:
IMPORTANT!! – Your Playstation 4 Order (Ref ’484***’)
Thanks for bearing with us with whilst we finalised stock configurations with Sony. We have now completed this process and as mentioned last week the pack configurations that we will actually be receiving DO differ slightly from the selection you originally made.
For this reason – WE NEED YOU to update your order Ref ’484***’
Important Notes:
1. This ONLY affects the console/pack choice within your order. Other products within your order are not affected;
2. You WILL receive your order on the day of release;
3. You MUST make a new console choice (follow the link below);
4. You can now INCREASE the number of consoles on your order – and ALL will arrive on day of release!!! That’s guaranteed;
Please click the link below and follow the simple on-screen instructions. Once your selections have been made, click the big ‘Update My Order’ button at the bottom of page. This will finalise your order and no other action is necessary.
Please click here to update your Playstation 4 console
Thanks again for your order and for your patience.