While Activision has been the butt of jokes when it comes to milking franchises with their Call of Dutyseries, they’re not…

While Activision has been the butt of jokes when it comes to milking franchises with their Call of Dutyseries, they’re not the only ones “milking” a franchise for all its worth.
Publisher Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed franchise has also seen a yearly release since Assassin’s Creed 2. This year won’t be different, as Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is set to sail into current and next-gen platforms later this year.
In an interview with OXM, creative director Jean Guesdon mentions that he thinks the AC franchise has proven itself to be “relevant,” and “has a long way to go” when asked he’s worried that players are getting weary of seeing a new Assassin’s Creed game every year.
I think we have proven that this franchise is relevant, and that it has a long way to go. Our job as developers of this new opus is to surprise players and bringing fresh, different ideas, while at the same time ensuring that what makes AC such a standout franchise remains intact.
Seeing as the Assassin’s Creed series has been Ubisoft’s best-selling games year after year, Guedson might have a point.
Do you agree with his statement or do you think it’s just a matter of time until people get tired of seeing the game every year?