UPDATE: Unfortunately for Half-Life 3 fans, this excitement is not connected to it at all. Dave Oshry, has given us…

UPDATE: Unfortunately for Half-Life 3 fans, this excitement is not connected to it at all. Dave Oshry, has given us his official statement on the matter, which you can read below.
Sorry to burst everyone’s proverbial bubbles, but my meeting with Valve was held to discuss pre-order bonuses and marketing opportunities for Rise of the Triad as well as future Interceptor Entertainment and Apogee titles. Getting face time with the people we’re lucky enough to be working with at Valve is invaluable to a small developer like Interceptor, so naturally I’m very excited to share the upcoming news with our fans. Unfortunately for the Pixel Nation, that news has absolutely nothing to do with Half Life 3 or Source 2. Quite frankly, if I knew anything and had said anything about that, I’d likely already be dead.
Original Story:
We stumbled across a few interesting tweets today from GDC that fired up the Pixel Enemy rumour mill. David Goldfarb, lead designer on Battlefield 3, tweeted that he saw some “nice things” after a meeting with Valve. Almost immediately, Mojang’s Marcus Persson jumped on the tweet asking, “hl3 confirmed?’, so which Goldfarb replied, “my silence must be interpreted as silence…” @notch pushed it just a little further saying, “Reply to this tweet if hl3 is confirmed.” Goldfarb replied, “I will show my answer with some interpretive dance. Look closely.”
imageAround the same time, Interceptor Entertainment’s Dave Oshry tweeted, “Just got out of a meeting with Valve that was single-handedly worth the trip out here. You guys are gonna love me for this. #SOON #GDC”.
Now, we know our brains are mathematical by nature, and tend to look for patterns in everything. We all want these to indicate Half-Life 3 or even Episode 3 is on the way, but without much to go on, we’re left conjecture, imagination and whole lotta wishing. We know something is coming, but no idea what or when.
What do you think? Could this be an indication of Half-Life 3? Episode 3? Some hardware announcement? New IP? Or for Steambox?
We’ve reached out to Valve to get an official statement, and will update the post once they’ve replied.
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