Talking about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, gameplay producer Marek Ziemak sat down with OnlySP to reveal quite a few nifty tidbits. From…

Talking about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, gameplay producer Marek Ziemak sat down with OnlySP to reveal quite a few nifty tidbits.
From what we saw at E3, Wild Hunt looks to be a huge and substantial world, so naturally, the question of the prevalence of loading times came up. Ziemak responded:
Thanks to new technology on RedEngine3, we were actually able to create a world without loading screens as you travel across the world. This should answer your question.
In addition to a sprawling world, it is an open one. Much like previous entries in the series, Wild Huntleaves many decisions up to the players. As such, there will be multiple endings. 36, to be more specific:
We’re having around 36 endings, as far as I remember. These affect the state that you will leave the world in after your playthrough.
Developer CD Projekt RED will be adhering to the books for Wild Hunt, so for those wishing to ride animals other than horseys, sorry to disappoint you:
I think we have a very defined setting, and Geralt always used a horse in the books. So, that’s all he can use in The Witcher 3. You can’t ride different animals.
Might be a deal breaker for some. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is due out in 2014 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
Source: OnlySP