UPDATE: According to Wikipedia, Warrior’s Lair is the final title for action-RPG Ruin which is being developed by Idol Minds…

UPDATE: According to Wikipedia, Warrior’s Lair is the final title for action-RPG Ruin which is being developed by Idol Minds for both the PS3 and PS Vita.
Original Story:
In what could possibly hype this year’s E3 even more, Team Ico’s long-awaited and long-delayed The Last Guardian has a very strong chance at making an appearance at this year’s event.
Spotted over on NeoGAF, the official E3 site has a lineup of what games Sony will be exhibiting at the show, minus a few megatons here and there, of course.
One of these games is The Last Guardian still for the PS3, which means that Sony might be bringing the game back to the public eye. Announced back in 2009, The Last Guardian was originally scheduled to ship in 2011 but has seen numerous delays and has even resulted in Team Ico boss Fumito Ueda to depart Sony and work in the game on a freelance basis.
Aside from The Last Guardian, the list includes expected games such as Killzone: Shadow Fall, Gran Turismo 6, Knack, The Last of Us, inFamous: Second Son and an unknown title named “Warrior’s Lair.”
As expected, not much is known about the title, but there is a high probability that it is for the PlayStation 4 as part of Sony’s surprise game reveals. Is it a sequel or somehow connected to Sony’s 2007 action game Lair? If so, that is a bit surprising since Lair was not well received both critically and commercially.
Are you excited to finally see The Last Guardian at E3? Should Sony move the game to the PS4 or should they try and recoup their loss from the game’s long development by releasing it on the PS3 which has a high installed base already?