During an “Ask me anything” with GamerNo, a Norwegian website SCEE Boss Jim Ryan has revealed that gamers can log into…

During an “Ask me anything” with GamerNo, a Norwegian website SCEE Boss Jim Ryan has revealed that gamers can log into multiple accounts on the PlayStation 4, much like they can on the Xbox 360.
“Since the reveal of the PS4 I have been wondering if it will be able to have two or more profiles logged in at the same time like the Xbox 360 is. We really want to play on a Playstation, but have felt that we had to prioritse the 360 this generation because of this feature. I hope it is not the case this time around.[…]
Good morning Iselin, really glad to hear that you are looking forward to our launch. I have some good news for you – up to four profiles can be signed in on one console on PS4. Thanks for your question, Jim”
Apologies for the slightly shaky translation, and thanks to NeoGAF for showing us this.