Ryse is one of the launch titles for Xbox One and also an exclusive. While many were excited with next-gen…

Ryse is one of the launch titles for Xbox One and also an exclusive. While many were excited with next-gen consoles being incredibly powerful, it seems that they are not.
Developer Crytek has confirmed that the upcoming game Ryze won’t be rendered at native 1080p.
Instead, the game will be rendered at 900p (1600×900) on the Xbox One. Then the console will boost it or upscale it to 1080p.
However, while it will give a 1080p like experience but it won’t be and side by side comparisons will reveal the differences.
But, it remain to be seen how Crytek will be able to pull this off. It will be a technical achievement if the upscaled game looks just as good as native 1080p.
Ryse in a third-person hack-n-slash game in development at Crytek. The game will launch exclusively on Xbox One.