Hold on to your seat, folks! Amazon Germany has a listing for Mirror’s Edge 2 for the Xbox 360. While there is…

Hold on to your seat, folks! Amazon Germany has a listing for Mirror’s Edge 2 for the Xbox 360.
While there is a chance this is a mix up or whatnot, it’s important to note that retailers do have knowledge in advance what games publishers are lining up in advance.
Here’s a screen grab of the listing:
As you can see, the box art itself and price are placeholders. And if this is indeed listed for the Xbox 360, chances are there’s a PS3 version to be released, too. Of course, with the franchise being a high-profile one, I’d expect it to see release on the PS4 and Xbox One as well.
We’ve emailed EA to ask for an official response and will update the story once they’ve replied.
Who’s up for more free-running goodness? Let’s hope this is one of EA’s announcements at E3.
Thanks, Wario64!