Microsoft will hold a live press event to “re-introduce” the Xbox One and lower the price to $399 to match…

Microsoft will hold a live press event to “re-introduce” the Xbox One and lower the price to $399 to match the rival PlayStation 4′s pricing, reports Handy Tips.
An “inside source” told Handy Tips that the company made a frantic “internal review” after Sony’s E3 press conference where the PlayStation 4 was announced with a $100 cheaper price and no internet connection requirement.
Microsoft reverted on the Xbox One digital rights management policies and its always-on requirement last month.
Microsoft has been adamant about the inclusion of the Kinect camera with the console. The retail price for the current Kinect model is $99. It’s unclear if the updated model in the report will include the Kinect or not.
We’ve contacted Microsoft about the legitimacy of the report and we’ll update the post should it respond.
The Xbox One will release this November.
Source: Handy Tips