While official news and info regarding Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 hasn’t exactly been pouring at this point, we at least have…

While official news and info regarding Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 hasn’t exactly been pouring at this point, we at least have a screenshot to show fans excited for the game.
Now, if you haven’t finished Lords of Shadow 1, the headline alone and image below will surely be a huge spoiler for you, but that’s not the only twist in the game. So give it a go to know all the “WTF” moments the game has to offer.
Over on Twitter, franchise producer Dave Cox has tweeted the following image along with letting us know he’s “editing this week.”
It’s nice to know Gabriel will — at some point — still look like a creepy old goth, no?
Hopefully, we’ll see some actual gameplay from LoS2 at next month’s E3.
For more on the game, make sure to read up on some of the gameplay changes, and how LoS2 will be the end of the spin-off.