We previously reported on how Spanish gamer, musician and all around interesting girl Kinumi Cati broke the Guinness World Record for the…

We previously reported on how Spanish gamer, musician and all around interesting girl Kinumi Cati broke the Guinness World Record for the longest time playing a Japanese RPG. At the time, we were also the only media outlet to get the story right about this young lady who most articles inaccurately described as Japanese, and incorrectly claimed she broke the record dressed in her “living doll” cosplay attire. As we dug a little deeper and connected with Kinumi, we discovered she was a much more interesting personality than we were led to believe – so we were pleased when she connected with us recently and let us know she’s going for another video game Guinness World Record.
What follows is another Pixel Enemy exclusive interview with Hecaterina Kinumi, official Guinness World Record holder and one of the most interesting teens in gaming culture today.
Pixel Enemy: How has your life changed since the last World Record?
Kinumi: Well I’ve met many people since then, both people who also love video games and business people who wanted to collaborate in any new world record that I attempt. I’m particularly happy because I’ve made many new friends from all around the world – I was really happy to see that something I achieved reached so many different countries like China, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, Italy…I was like Wow!
P.E.: What inspired you to try and go for another World Record?
Kinumi: I decided to go for another World Record because of all the support that I received from everybody during my last record. Everyone, including my parents, encouraged me to never give up and keep following my dreams everyday.
P.E.: So, this new record is for playing an MMORPG the longest…has the record been set before?
Kinumi: Well, it’s weird, because as far as I know this record has never been set before, or maybe it has but it’s not on the Guinness World Records website. There are so many records that quite a lot are not published, so I’m waiting to receive all the guidelines and the information. If this record has never been set, the GWR might suggest that I break a similar one or accept mine as a completely new record. Either way, it’s going to be cool (laughs).
P.E.: How long do you intend to play for? What is your current record for playing an MMORPG?
Kinumi: Well this time I’m going to break my last mark, which was 38 hours 6 minutes, and I’m going to try and play for more than 48 hours. I’ve already played more than 48 hours in a MMORPG – but of course, I didn’t follow all the guidelines that the GWR gives you.During my last record I couldn’t eat or drink while playing, couldn’t take my eyes off the screen nor drop the control, etc. Guinness World Records tells you that you’ve got to have a steward, which in my previous record was the guy who had to fed me, put eyedrops on my eyes while playing…all that stuff (LOL), so the steward’s work is almost as important and it affects the whole record. I was happy that my previous steward was really caring, but this time I don’t know how my new steward is going to be…so my goal is going to be playing more than 48 hours this time and I hope the server won’t go down! (>。☆)
P.E.: What game have you decided to play to break the record?
Kinumi: I’m still thinking about it actually. Right now, I’m between World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Whichever game I choose, I’ll make sure to tell everybody before the record begins so everyone interested could join me online and be part of this new record attempt. LOL d(=^・ω・^=)b
P.E.: Have you decided on a date for attempting to break the record?
Kinumi: It depends on the Guinness World Records. When they send all the new guidelines and give their permission for this new record, the record can be attempted the day after. My producer says that the record attempt could be in mid-December at the earliest, but it will be more likely between December and January. I’ll be sure to tell you the final date as soon as I know it (^ω^ )
P.E.: What training will you have to go through to prepare for the record attempt?
Kinumi: I’ll go through the same training I had the last time – which is none. I’ve been playing video games for as long as I can remember. I even have memories of being a toddler and kind of fighting with my Father to get the controller. Playing video games must be something to enjoy, not something you should force yourself to do. I play video games every day…lately I play at night because during day time I’m working on my first Maxi Single, writing and composing songs…and I also have to do homework – which takes up a lot of my day. My nights are video games time.
P.E.: What will be your setup to make the attempt? Will you do it at home or somewhere public? How many people from Guinness will be in attendance to verify the record?
Kinumi: Like last time, everything will take place in a hotel room and open to the public. It’s actually one of the GWR’s guidelines that the place where the record takes place must be somewhere where everyone who wants can go, see the record attempt and act as a witness. This is kind of cool because you never know who is going to come and watch. Last time for instance a TV reporter and a camera crew came to make a surprise interview while I was trying to have a little nap before the record.There will be at least three people with me all the time – all of them completely unknown people to me that will act as witnesses. At least one person will be a professional witness who is a video games “expert”, many cameras recording everything, and of course there’ll be food and drinks for everybody. This is all run by Visual Distinction Corporation – they did a great job last time and I know that this time is going to be a lot of fun too.
P.E.: Will you have friends there? How will you eat? The question that every everyone will want to know is – how you will go to the bathroom?
Kinumi: I think that most of my friends will be at home on their PCs playing with me *laughs*. Personally, I find it interesting to see how other people play video games, but not everybody is like me. Who knows? Maybe some of my friends will actually come to see the event.Regarding eating and drinking – it will be just like the last time. I’ll have a steward who will feed me and give me some water while I play, and he’ll also have to put eyedrops on my eyes because I’ve got allergic conjunctivitis and I don’t want my allergy to ruin my game. After many hours, my eyes will be tired and dry, so this is a crucial part of breaking the record.Also, I can take a ten minute break for every hour completed to go to the bathroom or to let my eyes rest if I need to. This timing is actually a little tricky because only complete hours count. So if you’ve been playing 44 hours and 59 minutes and you stop because you need a break, it’s like if you’d just played 44 hours. I’ll need to be carefully watching my clock.
P.E.: What do you hope to achieve by breaking these different video game playing records?
Kinumi: My dream is still the same. I want to become a professional musician and go to Japan…and if doing something that I love like playing video games can help me get there, then I’ll keep breaking video game records. 。^‿^。
P.E.: How has your music been affected by your fame with the video game records?
Kinumi: Being known for the GWR attempts has allowed my music to reach more people, and I’ve received many great reviews. So, the next steps would be to upload more songs to my YouTube channel and I’m also working on my first Maxi Single.
P.E.: You told us a little about a video game that might be made with you as the main character – can you tell us a little about the game? If the game does get made, will you break a record for playing it?
Kinumi: Haha…well this was an idea from my Producer, and I must say that I love it. The game’s production will start next year and the idea is to create an adventure video game where I’m the main character. Everything will be very anime-like and there will also be many kawaii (かわいい) stuff involved – so it’ll be a game with a lot of Japanese influence that should appeal to the Asian gaming market.
I think that it’d be pretty funny breaking a record of a video game where I’m the main character so yes *laughs* I’d attempt it.
P.E.: Did you have any negative responses to your fame from breaking the record? Or, has everyone been really nice about it?
Kinumi: Everybody will have their own opinion about my last record so I’ve had both good and bad responses – but thankfully I’ve had much more positive ones than negative ones. This is what I want to do, I think that as far as I’m not hurting anyone, there’s nothing bad about it. Haters are always gonna hate. I’m having fun and making connections – so really, who’s gonna cut me down for that?
P.E.: What does your family think about all of this?
Kinumi: My parents support me, and the rest of my family actually knew nothing about my previous record until they saw me in the local newspapers and on TV. Most of my family were all shocked by the news *laughs* but I know they will be giving me their support also.
P.E.: Do you have any advice for people who want to break video game records?
Kinumi: If you want to break a video game record, you should totally go for it because you enjoy video games and not as a duty or a trophy. Also, be sure to take care of yourself while you do it because it can be something a little risky to do. During my last record, my steward wasn’t just an assistant who fed me and took care of my eyes, but also someone who had worked in a hospital.
So, if you want and can, do it and have fun – but also take care of yourself (=^-ω-^=).
Note: After the interview was completed, Kinumi contacted us again and let us know her World Record attempt was fully approved by the people at Guinness and she will be making her attempt in January. Attached below is her approval from Guinness all official looking.