Well, look what we have here! Homefront 2, a sequel which some were hoping to see revealed at E3, has…

Well, look what we have here! Homefront 2, a sequel which some were hoping to see revealed at E3, has had some gameplay leaked online.
The footage begins with the player deploying a remote control car and proceeding to venture about the map. This gives us a good look at some of the structures, as well as some futuristic vehicles patrolling the area.
The player then shows off the current menu system, with game modes and maps all viewable in the video. The maximum amount of players per map seems to be 32, judging from the map names, which you can see below:
32playersAfter selecting a map, the player then shows off a bolt-action sniper rifle, and a silenced pistol. In the next map the player chooses to fire an LMG Arnie-style at a van, which simply sits there and takes it. No explosions here yet.
Thanks, NeoGAF!