Add another one to the small, but growing list of titles playable with the Oculus Rift VR headset. In a…

Add another one to the small, but growing list of titles playable with the Oculus Rift VR headset. In a recent post on the Oculus developer forums, Joe Ludwig (lead developer for the Oculus Team Fortress 2 port) announced that a beta for Half-Life 2 that includes Oculus Rift support was now available by adding a few terms in the launch command lines saying, “to get it, open the properties for HL2 in Steam, set your command line to “-vr”, and opt-in to the SteamPipe beta. This should ship to everybody in a few weeks.”
The Oculus port isn’t perfect, and is in Ludwig’s words, “a bit more raw than TF2 was when it shipped.” Devs are looking for feedback on glitches and bugs in addition to the zoom UI and HUD issues which are already known.
Those of you with a Oculus Developer Kit can try the port now.
Pixel Enemy got our hands on an Oculus developer’s kit this week and will be trying it out with Minecraft, HL2, TF2 and crossing our fingers for the Mirror’s Edge patch we’ve heard about. Stay tuned for a feature report on Monday.