H-Hour: World’s Elite‘s funding period is now over. The “spiritual successor” to the original SOCOM games, has reached a total…

H-Hour: World’s Elite‘s funding period is now over. The “spiritual successor” to the original SOCOM games, has reached a total of $252,662 through Kickstarter.
With 2,772 backers, the project is now set in motion, with David Sears leading the talented folks at SOF Studios.
After achieving the original goal of $200,000 with four days to go, H-Hour managed to dig deep and hit its stretch goal of $250,000. An impressive feat to achieve for the guys bringing you the next proper SOCOM experience.
Those who missed out on backing the project during the 30-day period, but still want to contribute, will be happy to hear that all is not lost.
Within the next couple of days, a link will be posted on the H-Hour update page allowing users to donate via PayPal. All Kickstarter rewards will still be attainable, so be sure to pledge and not miss out again!
I’m pretty damn excited for this game, and I think it’s great that gamers have given H-Hour: World’s Elite the opportunity to wow us all.