In an interview with Rolling Stone, soundtrack supervisor Ivan Pavlovich discussed Grand Theft Auto V‘s music, and just how much audio content…

In an interview with Rolling Stone, soundtrack supervisor Ivan Pavlovich discussed Grand Theft Auto V‘s music, and just how much audio content is packed into the upcoming title.
Along with providing impressive numbers, Pavlovich revealed the addition of more radio stations, as well as giving us an idea of the general “feel” that the music provided:
We have 15 radio stations, two talk radio stations, 240 licensed songs, and somewhere in the proximity of 20 movies worth of score. It’s the largest soundtrack that we’ve done, and the largest score that we’ve done.
For this game, which is set in our version of modern day Los Angeles, what was important for us was to capture that feeling of L.A. and California.
One station is called “Vinewood Boulevard Radio” and features American surf rock band’s Stephen Pope and Nate Williams. Other names contributing to the game’s audio include: DJ Pooh, Pam Grier, Bootsy Collins and Kenny Loggins.
The game’s score, which many of us will be hearing very soon, was produced by a number of talents:
We started with Tangerine Dream. We’ve used them before in terms of licensed music – we’re huge fans of Edgar Froese. When we started to think about who would be the right composer for this game, he was the first name that came to mind. Complimenting his work we have Woody Jackson, who scored Red Dead Redemption and helped score L.A. Noire. Woody’s an amazing musician. And the third part of the triangle is Alchemist and Oh No.
A lot of work has gone into every aspect of Grand Theft Auto V. It’s been a long wait, and I’m thankful that it’s almost over!