Gearbox has revealed that a new vault hunter is headed to Borderlands 2 while at a panel at South by…

Gearbox has revealed that a new vault hunter is headed to Borderlands 2 while at a panel at South by Southwest in Austin
According to the video, “Deep beneath Pandora, an experiment has escaped. Bandits beware, a new vault hunter is coming. More mayhem awaits.” The character is, unfortunately, not fully shown, but looks to be someone that will get up, close, and violent personal.
The character appears to be melee-focused, though, at the panel, Gearbox franchise director Matt Armstrong wouldn’t reveal when exactly the DLC would land. However, Armstrong did reveal that the upcoming DLC will won’t be included in Borderland 2‘s Season Pass and that “DLC is announced on a very tight schedule, and I don’t think you’ll have to wait long until you see that character.”
Suffice it to say, from the looks of the trailer, I don’t think I want to be anywhere near that character. You can see the teaser video below, courtesy of Polygon.
Update: Apparently, the new character won’t be part of Borderlands 2‘s Season Pass. Sad face for Season Pass holders.