Just a few moments ago, we posted our first-ever look at Killzone: Shadow Fall’s multiplayer which debuted at Sony’s gamescom…

Just a few moments ago, we posted our first-ever look at Killzone: Shadow Fall’s multiplayer which debuted at Sony’s gamescom press event.
It seems that’s just the tip of the iceberg as Guerilla themselves has taken to the official Killzone site and has detailed some of the big changes coming to their next-gen shooter.
In the trailer, it talked about customizable Warzones and according to Guerilla, “you can pick the number of players (4-24), rules, mission modes, classes, abilities and weapons you want to allow in a match, then save these choices as a preset to share with the rest of the Shadow Fall community.”
Shadow Fall will have eight different rotating mission modes, four of which are new to the game. Another change is that Shadow Fall will have three classes with unique abilities and 22 weapons.
Now, here’s the kicker; all weapons will be unlocked from the get-go. Yep, Guerilla seems to be deviating away from the FPS standard of drip-feeding players with new weapons and gear in exchange for XP.
Guerilla states, “We’ve also redesigned our progression system to work with challenges rather than XP. There are over 1500 increasingly difficult challenges to complete in Killzone: Shadow Fall multiplayer, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to prove your skills and collect rewards. ”
Finally, and in what could be the best bit of news out of the lot, all of Killzone: Shadow Fall’s multiplayer DLC will be FREE!
Yep, you read that right. Guerilla mentions that “To increase longevity even further, we plan to continue support for the title well after launch – and yes, DLC multiplayer maps will be released free of charge to ensure everyone can play.”
I don’t know about you, but this is awesome news — especially how most studios/publishers nickel and dime us out of everything. Let’s hope other games follow suit soon.
Killzone: Shadow Fall is a launch game for the PS4 and will hit store shelves on November 15.
Thanks, Enkoo!