In this current-generation of consoles, it’s hard to argue that Epic Games, publishers of the highly-successful Gears of War franchise, has been…

In this current-generation of consoles, it’s hard to argue that Epic Games, publishers of the highly-successful Gears of War franchise, has been cozy with Microsoft compared to other hardware makers.
But could things be changing soon once the next-gen rolls around? If Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney’s words are to be believed, why, that seems to be the case.
Over on IGN, they asked developers to ‘react” to Sony’s unveiling of the PS4 and what they know of it so far.
Here’s what Sweeney had to say:
The PlayStation 4 is a leading-edge hardware platform, and its enormous CPU, GPU and memory resources enables Unreal Engine 4 to reach levels of visual quality and detail that go far beyond the current generation, for games of all sizes and genres.
The features and effects in our new “Elemental” demo on PlayStation 4 are just the tip of the iceberg, showing dynamic lighting and shadowing, subsurface scattering and GPU-powered particle effects at full 1080p resolution.
As the developers of the Unreal Engine, we’re passionate about not only building great games, but building them efficiently. PlayStation 4 builds upon PC technology and takes it to the next level, providing a very robust and easy-to-use development environment.
With PlayStation 4, Sony has defined an ideal next-generation platform with massive appeal to core gamers, and incredible potential for bringing triple-A experiences to the next level.
So with Sweeney admitting that the PS4 is an “ideal next-gen platform with massive appeal to core gamers,” does this mean we’ll get to see a Gears of Wargame on a Sony system? Probably not since it is co-published by Microsoft. But don’t be surprised if that series is the last Microsoft exclusive you’ll see from the publisher.
Is Microsoft in trouble now that Sony has unveiled the PS4 and developers seem to love what they’ve touched upon so far? Or is this just PR talk to make sure no one’s feathers get ruffled?