So for those of you that weren’t watching the Battlefield 4 livestream yesterday, we’ve got a run down of some…

So for those of you that weren’t watching the Battlefield 4 livestream yesterday, we’ve got a run down of some of the features that you can expect to see when the game releases. These features are in no particular order and are just what we observed during the stream yesterday!
5-man squadsCommander mode will not take up a player slot, same with the spectators (I presume you can join as a player and spectate or just join as a spectator)Massively destructive environments, the skyscraper that we saw falling down is down to the player and in real time (not scripted)Spectator mode confirmed, will have “Table Top”, FPS, third-person and free-cam options for your viewing experienceYou can “sprint” in the water to swim fasterAble to dive under the water (no idea if this is a limited time or not) to avoid gun fireCommander abilities will depend on what checkpoints you currently hold in the mapWhen the skyscraper collapses a lot of debris and dust will be floating around for the rest of the round, reducing player visibilityMentions of in-game VOIPSkyscraper collapsing will cause dynamic waves across the mapAbility to counter-attack knife takedowns64 players and 60fps (frames-per-second) has been confirmed for next-gen consolesSuppression has been nerfed for all non-support weapons and whilst in close-quarter combat situationsElevator music!Limited ammo for MBTs, suggestions that it might regenerate over timeThe map feels more alive with metal detectors, gates, fire extinguishers and more which will all be interactablePossible flash bangsDefibrillators need to be charged before each useOne large health pack for your team and a smaller personal(?) one for you, personal possibly has a limited number of usesVehicle disabling has been re-worked to take into consideration what part of the vehicle has been damagedSquad leader gets a custom commorose, no custom squads (not sure what this means exactly)Possibility that snipers can measure the distance to a target using the “V” keyPistols can be customizedRecon motion mine will be making a returnThanks NeoGAF for helping me remember what there was in that livestream, so much info!