Original Story: DICE have revealed a whole plethora of new information for Battlefield 4‘s multiplayer. The fourth instalment to the franchise…

Original Story:
DICE have revealed a whole plethora of new information for Battlefield 4‘s multiplayer.
The fourth instalment to the franchise will bring 64 player servers to the next-gen consoles. Not only that, but each next-gen console will run the game at a smooth 60 frames per second.
The multiplayer, being demoed live, showed off “Commander Mode” which allows a bird’s-eye view of the battlefield.
Incredible destruction powered by the new Frostbite 3 engine makes this multiplayer experience look truly incredible. With “Levolution”, players will have a different experience with each new game. A skyscraper falls as you attempt to escape and parachute down. Simply epic.
Here is the gameplay footage!