Update: He’s banned. First Microsoft got his unboxing video pulled from YouTube, and now they have banned his console. He…

Update: He’s banned. First Microsoft got his unboxing video pulled from YouTube, and now they have banned his console. He can still play single player, but can’t go online. He’s taking it up with Microsoft and we’ll update as we can.
Original Story: It looks as if Target goofed up and sent out an Xbox One a little early. Not only was it sent out early, but the guy who got it seems to love social media and has posted just about every detail from the unboxing (video has been taken down due to a claim by Microsoft) to the game sizes – making him the #1 source for Xbox One information (and he’s even updated his Twitter bio to reflect it). We’ll try and keep up with his posts as he goes.
Apparently, the day one patch that we’ve previously reported on is live on the servers and was approximately 500MB to download.
Here are the reported game download sizes:
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – 20 GBCall of Duty: Ghosts – 39 GBDead Rising 3 – 19 GBFIFA 14 – 8 GBForza Motorsport 5 – 31 GBJust Dance 2014 – 22 GBLocoCycle – 13 GBMadden NFL 25 – 12 GBNBA 2K14 – 43 GBNBA Live 14 – 9 GBRyse: Son of Rome – 34 GBSkylander SWAP Force – 15 GBZumba Fitness: World Party – 24 GB
How could it happen you might ask? Apparently the guy who posted all this info wasn’t the only one to receive an Xbox One early. Target had a live link up earlier on their webpage that they did not mean for people to find. It was found, people purchased the Xbox One units and less than an hour later their orders disappeared along with the page. Orders that had already gone through got packaged and shipped and a few lucky people got their machines. One guy tried selling his on eBay but the listing had been taken down at time of press.
Not the only person to receive one early from Target.
For those of you who think this is a bit of a publicity stunt by Microsoft – you aren’t alone. One Twitter user asked @Moonlightswami if he thought it was done deliberately:
It is likely the majority of the 400 people who have the units are devs and programmers. Some Twitter users have been asking him to try the party chat, but at the time of press he hadn’t connected with anyone.
Stay tuned into his Twitter feed for the latest – the guy is a machine and hasn’t stopped tweeting for almost seven hours. Note: At the time of writing he had about 2200 followers on Twitter.
Source: GameTrailers via Reddit