It appears as if DICE has a pretty full dance card when it comes to getting titles out on the…

It appears as if DICE has a pretty full dance card when it comes to getting titles out on the Frostbite 3 engine. In a tweet by Johan Andersson, technical director at DICE’s Frostbite team, there are apparently over 15 Frostbite games in the works including the ones we already know about like Dragon Age: Inquisition, Need for Speed: Rivals, Star Wars: Battlefront, Mirror’s Edge 2 and BioWare’s new Mass Effect game.
The tweet came as a reply to a question about AMD’s new Mantle technology and how easy it will be to adapt it to other Frostbite 3 titles “out of the box”. Andersson replied affirmatively and dropped the “15+” comment that got more than a few people salivating for details.
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Capping off this news – Battlefield 4‘s executive producer Patrick Bach recently commented on “the brilliance of Battlefield” saying that the game is really several games in one – racing, flying, shooting, platforming, etc – and suggested the the technology can be transferred very naturally to other projects.
The P.E. Perspective: Somehow I can’t see Faith sliding off a building into an awaiting F-16 and pulling the trigger on a few stinger missiles.
Source: OXM