Question: what is the best place to be for a gamer? Answer: Denmark. GamePointsNow has conducted an interesting piece of…

Question: what is the best place to be for a gamer? Answer: Denmark.
GamePointsNow has conducted an interesting piece of research with an equally interesting conclusion. They took a list of countries, considered the average salary after tax and local game prices, and found out how many hours gamers in each country would be required to work to be able to purchase a new game. The results are shown in the figure above.
An average Dane needs to work only two and a half hours to be able to afford a new game. Australians come second with an average Aussie working 3.17 hours per new game. Going by these results, Poland is the worst place to be for a gamer as an average Pole needs to work at least 14.17 hours before he/she can afford a new game.
With errors accounted for, these figures are quite realistic. At least for the UK and Australia, they aren’t off. Let us know where you stand!
Source: GamePointsNow via Liam Daly