There was a bit of a shock when it was first released by Electronic Theatre that the first five DLC…

There was a bit of a shock when it was first released by Electronic Theatre that the first five DLC packs for Defiance will weigh 10GB.
Now, in even more shocking news we find out the game takes 10GB to install, and it’s a mandatory install. See the pictures below, this is going to kill my hard drive, and I have the 250GB!
What is most bizarre is that the update took me down from 10GB to 5.3GB; is the extra 5GB on the box just a precaution or is it for patches? The simple truth is that I don’t know.
Defiance launches next week, Trion aims to break new ground by having the game and TV series run alongside each other with them both affecting one another. If a character goes missing in the game he might appear in the series, and vice versa.