A German computer website, Computer Bild, has recently had the chance to get a hands on with the PlayStation 4,…

A German computer website, Computer Bild, has recently had the chance to get a hands on with the PlayStation 4, and they decided to give us some images of them changing the HDD in the system.
Judging by the images that are available, it looks like all you need to do is slide the smaller section of the console off the top and you will immediately be given access to the HDD bay, it is then just a case of sliding the hard drive out using the provided tab on the hard drive compartment bay draw type thing.
ps4-hdd-part2 ps4-hdd-part3 ps4-hdd-part4 ps4-hdd-part5
You even get a fancy PlayStation screw with the four controller buttons on the head of it, fancy. The steps looks fairly simple to do and it seems easy enough for someone that has never even changed a hard drive in a console before.
It looks like you will still need to buy the laptop sized hard drives for them to fit in the console but we will know more once the console has released I’m sure. Have any of you guys got any plans to change the hard drive once you get the PS4? Let us know!
Source: Computer Bild via NeoGAF