This document which we found via Blue’s News was translated by a member on the official Witcher forums seems to outline what the company is planning over the…

This document which we found via Blue’s News was translated by a member on the official Witcher forums seems to outline what the company is planning over the upcoming years.
We don’t speak Polish, so we can only really go off what the translation tells us:
- Open REDkit beta and further support of the modding community
- Premiere of the first non-computer game set in the Witcher world (Movie?)
- launch of a local branch of CD Projekt RED in the United States, focused on marketing and PR for both Americas, especially the US.
- launch of The Witcher 3 for at least three strong platforms including PC and PS4
- launch of Cyberpunk 2077
- two smaller (about 20 hours of gameplay) but top-quality games supporting one of the product lines
- a cross-platform mobile game based on one of CDPR’s brands
- start of license sales for REDengine
- long-term Witcher 3 support involving completely new mechanisms
- launch of the full version of the REDkit and further modding community support
- launch of further local CDPR branches in key territories
This seems to simply be CDProjekt Red expanding, but rapidly. Which shows a lot of faith in the 100-hour long Witcher 3.