In an interview with French publication Le Figaro, David Cage (head of Quantic Dream Studios) has revealed the development budget…

In an interview with French publication Le Figaro, David Cage (head of Quantic Dream Studios) has revealed the development budget for the upcoming Beyond: Two Souls is approximately $27 million USD (20 million Euros). By comparison, the budget for Heavy Rain was about $23 million USD without marketing and promotion. Despite the fact that big name actors like Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe are involved with the project, the budget seems pretty low – particularly in comparison with giants like Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto V which just set the record at $265 million.
david_cageWhile the $27 million doesn’t include marketing, we can project the final costs based on Heavy Rain‘s marketing and promotion costs which were reportedly around $20 million USD. With the added bonus of the all-star casting, combined with the fact Beyond: Two Souls is a new venture into that fabled land of “interactive entertainment” for Quantic Dream – we can expect the costs to hit the $50 million mark fairly easily.
Knowing that Heavy Rain made over $135 million in sales suggests Beyond: Two Souls could possibly double that figure as the anticipation for the PS3 exclusive has already gained a lot of steam. However, the October release is up against other titles like Batman: Arkham Origins and Battlefield 4.
How about it Pixel Nation? Are you anticipating big numbers from Beyond: Two Souls? Let us know in the comments below, and remember your contributions are rewarded weekly.
Beyond: Two Souls is scheduled for release on the PlayStation 3 on October 8, 2013.
Source: NeoGAF