Yesterday, we posted the first-ever gameplay footage of Battlefield 4 running on the PlayStation 4 and how a recent hands-on…

Yesterday, we posted the first-ever gameplay footage of Battlefield 4 running on the PlayStation 4 and how a recent hands-on mentioned there’s nothing to worry about.
Now we even know what the button layout for the DualShock 4 will be and then some.
Shown below courtesy of the same person who went hands-on with BF4 at TGS’ show floor is a snapshot of the DualShock 4′s button layout. If you’ve played BF3 on the PS3, you’ll want to see this as there’s a ton of things changed.
As the blurred image clearly shows, not only has the fire and ADS buttons been changed, but even the “interact” and “crouch” buttons are now in new places, too.
So, for those annoyed at accidentally dolphin diving when using the right analog stick to aim, you’ll be glad to know that the circle button will be your new crouch button and holding it will make you go prone. Melee is, as you can see, triggered by pressing down on the right analog stick or R3.
“Interact” which is used to defuse/arm bombs, enter vehicles, etc. is now assigned to the reload button (square) and is activated by holding it.
Those who don’t like the controller layout shown above, it has been hinted that players will be able to switch back to the regular control scheme if they wish.
Also important to note is that as we’ve reported before, “spotting” is now done via R1, and holding it brings the commorose, which will once again be ignored by the majority of Battlefield players.
In more PS4 BF4 controller news, Lead Gameplay Designer Alan Kertz has confirmed (spotted by NeoGAF rafaelr) that even if the next-gen console has USB ports, the PS4 version will not support keyboard/mouse controls.
Kertz answered with an emphatic “no,” when asked whether the BF4 on PS4 will support keyboard and mouse input.
Mind you, this isn’t really a bad thing since rocking a kb/m combo will surely give that player an advantage to those using a controller. And if this was implemented, that means DICE will have to make a filter or something much harder just to separate the two sides.
Finally and what could the most awesome news of the lot, it seems BF4 Remote Play on the PlayStation Vita is a very, very big possibility. In the screenshot below showcasing the options for vehicle controls, you can see at the bottom that triangle “toggles PS Vita System BUTTON LAYOUT.” Unless DICE was just including this for kicks, then this could very well mean that you can play the PS4 version of BF4 on your PS Vita!
Keep in mind DICE has not confirmed Remote Play for now, so there’s still the chance that this feature won’t make it into the final version of the game.
We’ve contacted EA for an official statement on the matter and will update the post once they’ve replied.
PS4 fans, do you like the new controller layout or will you be reverting back to BF3′s controls given the chance?
For more Battlefield 4 info, make sure to read up on unannounced maps and what the screenshots tell us about ‘em.
Thanks, Reddit.