Have you pre-ordered Battlefield 4? If not, you might want to drop by your favorite store (online or physical) and…

Have you pre-ordered Battlefield 4? If not, you might want to drop by your favorite store (online or physical) and plunk down some dough, as not only will pre-ordering net you the game’s first expansion, “China Rising,” but it will even throw in three “Gold” Battlepacks, too.
Not familiar with Battlepacks? It gives you “a new reason to rank up,” at least according to EA. Here’s the official description:
Battlepacks add an all-new layer of persistence and an exciting element of chance to the multiplayer progression system in Battlefield 4. Through the course of their multiplayer career, players will receive Battlepacks containing random combinations of new camos, dog tags, knives, XP boosts, and more! These items are designed to add customization options to give players some more personalization options on the Battlefield.
If you’ve played Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer, Battlepacks are just like the booster packs one can buy with in-game currency or with real money for those that are impatient.
I just hope the game doesn’t boil down to who can spend the most to unlock everything the fastest. There is one glimmer of hope, though. In the description, it doesn’t mention weapon attachments, special Battlepacks-only weapons and whatnot. If people can only unlock knives, camos and other cosmetic stuff, then I’m all for it.
What do you think of Battlepacks? A good move by EA or a slippery slope waiting to happen?
For more on BF4, make sure to watch our exclusive multiplayer video showcasing the game’s Ultra settings.