We recently had the chance to have a quick chat with DICE General Manager Karl Magnus Troedsson regarding Battlefield 4…

We recently had the chance to have a quick chat with DICE General Manager Karl Magnus Troedsson regarding Battlefield 4 and one of the few pertinent things we thought of asking is: will BF4 have any free maps or modes just like what they did with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ?
Sure, it might have just been a map reworked to fit a specific mode, but it gave the game more legs and it being free was certainly a big help for adoption rates, too.
So, can we expect the same thing for Battlefield 4, then? We’ll just have to “wait and see” according to DICE.
Pixel Enemy:EA has announced that BF3 Premium now has over 4 million members, and needless to say, has been a huge success for DICE. Does this put an end to “free” maps and modes like in Bad Company 2 or is DICE open to dishing out more free content? KM Troedsson:Battlefield 3 Premium was a huge success, and we’re excited about what we are delivering with Battlefield 4 Premium. Through Battlefield 4 Premium we will be delivering free content on a weekly basis in the form of assignments, challenges and more. Whether or not this may occasionally include a new map or mode you’ll just have to wait and see.Hopefully, DICE will throw a bone to non-Premium members so they can play on a new map/mode or two for free, no? Stay tuned to our full interview set to be published soon. You can read up on more BF4 by reading the change log DICE collected based on the beta, as well as DICE saying how they’re “not happy” with Battlefield 3′s destruction.