Over on the Battlefield 4 forums, a DICE staffer has confirmed that the PS4 version of the game is due…

Over on the Battlefield 4 forums, a DICE staffer has confirmed that the PS4 version of the game is due an update which will deploy a new server to address a “very severe” crash. The post reads:
We are deploying a new server to the Playstation4 platform, you might be disconnected from your session as servers are restarting to apply the new patch. The server update addresses a very severe crash issue on the PS4.
When users questioned whether they’ll be able to access Conquest, the staffer (Striterax) responded by saying that there will be a separate patch for that issue.
We are working on the conquest bug too and will release the patch for that when the fix is ready. This fix will address a client crash, the second most common one at that. So hopefully you will notice less crashes when the servers have updated. We have more PS4 updates coming in very soon as well.
If you’re suffering from the Battlefield 4 CE-34878-0 Error, here’s some advice on fixing it (via Reddit) and a rundown of next steps for known issues.