Earlier yesterday, an alleged survey for Battlefield 4 apparently made the rounds and its details was posted by a user…

Earlier yesterday, an alleged survey for Battlefield 4 apparently made the rounds and its details was posted by a user on NeoGAF.
While we could have ran the story as is, we thought it best if we asked EA about it first since the survey contents seemed a bit suspect. In it, forum member Jibbajabbawockky mentions that he took an online survey for BF4 and asked the following:
Highlighted what players liked or disliked with BF3 Mentioned Battlelog 2,0 and being able to schedule matches with friends Increased dynamic environments (one example was being blowing out the foundations of a dam to flood the battlefield) Naval combat (jet ski and gun boats) Asked how “unique” the box art was How interested the user would be in purchasing BF4 if he could transfer his progress and unlocks from BF3. Not only that, but there were mentions of upcoming DLC within the survey, too, and it mentions map remakes and a rumor that just won’t die, “Dino-mode!”
First question regarding DLC described as taking BF3 maps Operation Metro and Caspian Border and remaking them using Frostbite 3, with new weapons and classes. It then had survey-takers rank possible names for the DLC pack and some of them were: Battlefield 4 Recommisioned, BF4 Reenlisted, BF4 War Torn, and BF4 Reconstructed.
Second one was an expansion that would focus on naval warfare that concentrated on naval vehicles and coastal batteries. It wasn’t too specific, other than saying it would focus on naval combat. Some of the possible names the survey asked were: BF4 Naval Warfare (which the user wasn’t sure if it was Naval Combat), BF4 Steel Titans and a few more the poster has already forgotten.
Now, here’s the final and most interesting bit, it mentions what DICE has been teasing since BF3 first came out and that’s dinosaurs! From what the poster can recall, it was described as a co-op mode where players would fight against dinosaurs with “primitive weapons,” specifically mentioning a bow and arrow. Some of the alleged possible names were: BF4: BC, BF4: Primal Combat (or Primal Warfare), BF4: 21942 BC and a few ones he can’t recall.
While the actual survey didn’t have any screens, the poster mentions it looks like any other EA survey he’s seen in the past in terms of format and states its just like the Dragon Age 3 survey that got leaked last year.
When asked about the survey, an EA rep sent this to us in response:
We value the feedback from our fans and are constantly looking for ways to improve our games. We conduct annual surveys that include topics that range from random ideas to specific themes to see what resonates. These are just some of the ideas included in our survey and not indicative of anything we have in the works.
Mind you, it doesn’t actually debunk the survey’s claims, but at the same time, it drives the point home that not everything in it is to be expected in Battlefield 4.
So, there you have it, Battlefield fans. Out of all the info mentioned above, which ones are you hoping are the ones DICE is really working on?
Oh, and one more thing, EA has released one new screenshot for BF4 and that’s the image you see as this post’s headline shot. So grab it while it’s hot if you wish.