In addition to the two confirmed Battlefield 4 expansion packs, “China Rising” and “Second Assault”, it seems that there will…

In addition to the two confirmed Battlefield 4 expansion packs, “China Rising” and “Second Assault”, it seems that there will be at least three more expansion packs coming.
Reported by Battlefieldo, the web addresses below detail the names of the expansions, as well as confirm that the pages themselves are indeed on the official Battlefield website, but have yet to “go live”.
The expansion pack names therefore seem to be:
- Naval Strike
- Dragon’s Teeth
- Final Stand
- The P.E. Perspective
Seems legit enough to me. The “Naval Strike” expansion is of particular interest, as it hints at a focus on naval warfare, which we’ve heard about already. Five expansion packs in total for Battlefield 4 sounds promising, with those players who buy “Premium” now getting to know a bit more of what they are pre-purchasing.