If you’re waiting to pounce on next week’s upcoming Battlefield 4 Beta, then you’ll be glad to know that you’ll…

If you’re waiting to pounce on next week’s upcoming Battlefield 4 Beta, then you’ll be glad to know that you’ll be able to pre-load the game on PC, so you can start playing the moment DICE opens the floodgates.
Fortunately, early access users will be able to pre-load the beta client on September 29 at 10 a.m. PDT (check here global time conversions). While we don’t know the exact size of the client, I gather it won’t take you the whole day to download it in time for October 1.
In related news, someone on Reddit posted that the BF4 Beta itself will be playable on October 1 at 4 a.m. EST for those with “exclusive early access.” We’ve verified this and yes, it seems you can start playing the beta once very early in the morning.
Don’t forget, the October 1 4 a.m. beta start date is for people with early access only, with the open beta set to become available to everyone on October 4.
Speaking of the BF4 Beta, DICE has confirmed that there is no NDA (non-disclosure agreement) when it comes to gameplay footage. So, for those looking to make montages and whatnot, go film away.