Continuing our deluge of Battlefield 4 multiplayer info for the week, this time, we have details on “Battle Pickup” weapons,…

Continuing our deluge of Battlefield 4 multiplayer info for the week, this time, we have details on “Battle Pickup” weapons, Battlecorder, Rent-a-Servers and more.
At gamescom, YouTube video producer Jackfrags was able to corner Battlefield mulitplayer creative director Lars Gustavsson for an interview. In case you didn’t know, Lars is the granddaddy when it comes to Battlefield and its core gameplay and has been with the franchise ever since its inception.
In the 26-minute chat, Lars talks (and doesn’t talk) about things we already know, but there are still a nugget or two that can be unearthed.
First off, we now know that “Battle Pickups” — weapons that are stage-specific and quite powerful — can not be resupplied. So, that means once you spend that particular weapon’s ammo, that’s it. You can’t abuse it by spawning as a Support and camp with the weapon. This is very good news since one of the weapons, which is a .50 caliber sniper rifle available on Siege of Shanghai’s collapsible building, can one-hit kill enemies regardless of where you hit them. Not only that, but you can even take out choppers with it, too.
Gustavsson was then asked regarding BF4′s Second Assault expansion, which will recreate Battlefield 3 maps using Frostbite 3. While he can’t confirmed the rumored levels, he does reveal that they’re “rebuilding” the stages themselves on Frostbite 3 to implement Levolution.
Another thing touched upon was the dreaded Rent-a-Server option that seems to be abused in BF3. Gustavsson acknowledges this and states they’re “reworking” how Rent-a-Servers function in BF4, how they’re adding “official” settings and servers who implement this will count as ranked servers. Hopefully, this means that servers admins who want to implement no shotgun, no C4, no level 100 Colonel, etc. rules will mean their server will be non-ranked.
Finally, the much-talked about PlayStation 4 version of BF4 which is said to run at “Medium” setting for PCs has also been discussed, and while Lars can’t comment on the resolution still, he does admit that they’re optimizing it as of the moment, and that they won’t sacrifice destruction, vehicles, 60fps, etc. for it.
You can check out the full interview below.
As a Battlefield fan, I wholeheartedly agree with DICE’s decision to nail the core Battlefield experience first, before focusing on the next-gen console version’s resolutions. I’d rather have a solid playing game than a pretty one any day
So, what do you think of the new info we have so far? It’s a shame that Battlecorder won’t be available at launch, but seeing as next-gen consoles will have a recording feature, I gather that lessens the sting a lot, no?