On the PlayStation Blog, PR manager John Hardin responded to some user comments about the pricing of Dragon’s Crown, as…

On the PlayStation Blog, PR manager John Hardin responded to some user comments about the pricing of Dragon’s Crown, as well as the lack of cross-play support.
Commenting on a user complaint about the price tag, Hardin states that Dragon’s Crown is a game that deserves the price tag attached to it:
We’ll have a lot more info on it in the coming months — the game has a lot more depth than its 16-bit spiritual brethren. It looks and plays better than a $15-$20 game.
In addition, Hardin comments on a user question about why Dragon’s Crown doesn’t support cross-play between Vita and PlayStation 3 versions of the game:
Unfortunately it’s not as simple as just ticking an “Enable Crossplay” box and having it in the game, or else we totally would have. There were some technical barriers on the dev side that made cross-play impossible.
However, Hardin then clarifies by stating that Dragon’s Crown does support cross-save. To note, Dragon’s Crown also does not support cross-buy. In other words, if you buy the PS3 version, you won’t receive a voucher for the Vita version.
It’s a shame the game doesn’t support such a feature, but I’m interested in knowing more about the intricacies of cross-play and how much effort developers must put in the game to make the functionality work.
Dragon’s Crown is due for release on August 6 for $39.99 and $49.99 for Vita and PS3, respectively.