Assassin’s Creed 4: Blackflag has been really well received by pretty much everyone, and the graphics are always noted as being…

Assassin’s Creed 4: Blackflag has been really well received by pretty much everyone, and the graphics are always noted as being great. But now, Reddit user PcChip claims that he has found a way to make Assassin’s Creed 4 clock in at 120 fps (frames-per-second), PcChip has made other posts about racking up the game’s fps in the past, although we’re uncertain as to whether his other posts are true or not.
PcChip claims that by turning the 3D off while using Nvidia’s 3DVision it left the game running super smooth, but when he took off his glasses it went blurry. This is likely because Nvidia uses Active 3D, which constantly runs images to your eyes. He claims that his fps counter reads fps (per eye).
Nvidia state in their blurb that 3DVision can in fact support 120 fps on 2D games. However some of the claims seem a little far fetched, but it is possible that this is true. For now, we’re running it as a rumour.