American McGee’s Spicy Horse Games is hiring for their Shanghai outfit. In preparation for their next Kickstarter title, the development…

American McGee’s Spicy Horse Games is hiring for their Shanghai outfit. In preparation for their next Kickstarter title, the development company is looking for programmers with a solid foundation in Unity3D, gameplay programmers, mobile (iOS and Android) programmers and other technology specialists to fill a variety of roles. In a post on his Facebook Page, McGee announced the hiring in anticipation of either OZombie or Alice: Otherlands – which will be announced and Kickstarted in July.
In McGee’s words:
These positions are open for those willing to live/work in Shanghai. Relocation is available in special cases. Better if you’re already in Shanghai or China. We are NOT currently looking to hire artists, sound/composers or other positions.
We’ve been anticipating the next game announcement by McGee for sometime now and are looking forward to whatever comes next. With the hiring firmly announced, it seems the project is 100% go. McGee mentioned in an interview with Pixel Enemy that he intends to build the future project in Unity3D over Unreal Engine 3 due to cost and cross-platform considerations.
Stay tuned for Pixel Enemy’s exclusive interview with American McGee going to press later this week.
Source: Facebook