In an ever growing list of “what was under the hood at E3″ reports, AMD have released the specs of…

In an ever growing list of “what was under the hood at E3″ reports, AMD have released the specs of the PCs that were running the Battlefield 4 demo, and they are pretty impressive. For a CPU, the machines were running the AMD FX 8350 with 12GB of DDR3 RAM, while the graphics were handled by two Radeon HD 7970′s, in Crossfire configuration and sporting 6GB of RAM each.
As DICE and AMD have partnered for Battlefield 4, we’re not too surprised to see something like this, but at an estimated $4000 each, the more than 60 machines at E3 must have cost a bomb just to nail that framerate.
But hey, when you’re trying to impress Steven Spielberg, the sky is the limit for your PC hardware.