Game memorabilia collectors were foaming at the mouth this morning when 3A released two Portal 2 figures for pre-order. The…

Game memorabilia collectors were foaming at the mouth this morning when 3A released two Portal 2 figures for pre-order. The ATLAS and P-body figures are officially on sale now, and they are absolutely beautiful.
Some details on the figures:
- ATLAS is approximately 27.5 cm (10.8″) in height
- P-body is approximately 30.5 cm (12″) in height
- ATLAS and P-body each need 1 x CR2 battery to power their Optical Sensor light-up feature
- Portal Devices need 2 x AG4 batteries
- Each character comes with their own Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
- The Portal Devices are removable and not permanently attached to the characters
- Each character features illuminated Optical Sensor displays with animated boot-up sequence
- Both figures feature torso sections that are removable from their bodies
- The eyelids on each character can be manually opened or closed to create different expressions
Each figure sells for $190 USD or as a set for $340 USD, and are expected to ship sometime towards the end of 2013.