Last weekend, the official Xbox website inadvertently outed Battlefield 4′s release date for the Xbox 360, which we presume is…

Last weekend, the official Xbox website inadvertently outed Battlefield 4′s release date for the Xbox 360, which we presume is also the release date for other platforms as well.
Now, we have something more official who have seemingly once again jumped the gun. Over on EA’s official German Facebook page, it lists Battlefield 4 as coming to PCs, Xbox 360s and PS3s on October 31, 2013.
While, this could be considered an official announcement, the fact that it’s been revealed this quietly makes us think otherwise. I mean, BF4 is undoubtedly, EA’s big game for the year and we presume any announcement concerning it would be met with a lot more fanfare.
One other thing that makes this seem more legit, other than, y’know, being on an official EA Facebook page, is that the release fits in with most European release dates. Normally, games released in the U.S. are released a good two days after for their EU counterparts. Now, assuming the October 29 date leaked by Microsoft is the real deal, that makes BF4′s October 31 release very, very likely.
We’ve contacted EA once again and will update this story once they’ve replied. In the meantime, get ready to start counting down the month, folks! October isn’t that too far away.
Source: Battlefield3Org