Yep, you read that headline right. We’re pitting Sony’s PlayStation 4 against Microsoft’s Xbox One. I know it might seem…

Yep, you read that headline right. We’re pitting Sony’s PlayStation 4 against Microsoft’s Xbox One. I know it might seem juvenile, but what’s gaming without next-gen console wars, right?
In the video below, Pixel Enemy content producer Grant (a.ka. GMoney) compares the PS4 to the Xbox One based on the info we have so far. Needless to say, this is a preliminary match-up and will change once we know more (hence the title states “Round 1″).
Even pre-E3, we get to see the controllers sized up, as well as the all-important hardware comparison.
So, who comes out on top for now? Watch below.
or more next-gen news and discussion, why not check what the staff thinks of Microsoft’s Xbox One presser and how it compares to Sony’s PS4 reveal?
Make sure to check back to Pixel Enemy for the latest in next-gen news, videos and discussions!