DICE has yet to reveal Battlefield 4 on next-gen consoles publicly, and the hands-on preview we got painted the game…

DICE has yet to reveal Battlefield 4 on next-gen consoles publicly, and the hands-on preview we got painted the game at a rather not-so-bright light.
While we sit and wait until we officially know what resolution BF4 will be for the PS4 and Xbox One, we at least know now how the PS4′s DualShock 4 touchpad and Sixaxis sensor will be used.
Over on the comments section of the Official U.S. PlayStation Blog, Social Media Manager Sid Shuman fielded a few questions from readers from his recent BF4 PS4 hands-on and revealed that the touchpad will be used for Battlelog’s UI (User Interface) and that Sixaxis will be used for “easy leaning.”
In the preview, Shuman also revealed that the R1 will be used for a “radial” menu, which sounds like it’s being used for Commorose on consoles. If so, it hasn’t been revealed yet what button the knife takedown button will be since L2 and R2 are being used to aim down sight (ADS) and fire respectively.
Unfortunately, as seen above, Shuman hasn’t been able to try these features out himself. Makes me wonder, though, with the touchpad used for Battlelog, what button will the “Spot” button be since the DualShock 4 won’t have a “Select” button like in the PS3.
Do you see yourself using the touchpad for Battlelog? More importantly, do you think tilting the controller will be an “easy” way to lean in-game?
Battlefield 4 is set for an October 29 release for PC and current-gen consoles, while the PS4 version is set for release on November 15, with the Xbox One version still at an unannounced date.